Thursday, February 5, 2009


It might as well be a dirty word, you say it and I break out in a cold sweat!! I am not organized, no way, no how. My house, my work area, all in a shamble. Now I basically know where everything is, but it may take me a while to remember exactly where it is. So how am I going to make myself organized? Maybe I need a schedule. Mon-make soft glass beads, Tues-make boro beads, Weds make beadcaps and core beads, Thursday-make jewelry, Friday-take pictures,Sat-list on Etsy,Ebay,or my website,Sun-catch my breath and prepare to start over. Hmmmmm I'm going to have to think about this. But I do need to get organized.

Here are the newest capped beads I've made. I'm really loving the look. Most of them are animal print with pawprint beadcaps but my favorite is a boro bead and since it's my favorite I made hearts on the cap.

I'm still pretty boro challenged, I'm thinking it's because my torch isn't hot enough. I was going to borrow my husband's oxygen tank from the barn and his hoses but they're not the right size, so I've got a hose ordered. Soon, I hope I'll have the heat to melt the boro like butter!!! It's real funny going from boro to soft glass, I had glass melting off the mandrel sometimes as it was melting so fast!!!

My new "thang" with the dog is letting her walk with me to the mailbox without a leash. Lots of treats in my pocket ensure she doesn't get too far from me on the walk. The only problem is on the way back, no matter what treats I have, fresh horse poop beats it. As we get closer to the house, she always heads for the horse. yuck!! Yesterday, she had a traumatic trip to the mailbox. We were on our way back and I had called her and she was coming to me when she got butted by a goat! Dang goat came out of nowhere!! LOL I don't know who was more surprised, the dog or me. The goats usually keep a pretty wide berth from the dogs and in particular this one as she's new and unpredictable!! So this goat came flying up from behind me and butted her good. Today the dog kept a good distance from the goats until they started running then she fell in line behind them. She felt better after they ran from her! lol

Let's see, it's Thursday, I'm supposed to be making jewelry. Dang, I'm already off schedule!!!!

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