Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Country Living

I live four and a half miles down this dirt road. Now obviously this is not what it looks like right now, everything is brown. But this is what it will look like come spring. This is my very favorite part about coming home. This natural tunnel goes down the road about half a mile. I know that when I get here I'm almost home and I like that!!! I've seen turkey, deer, skunks, raccoons you name it,along with snakes and crawly things. You can just barely make out a sign up the road and that's a bridge. It's a little one lane country road bridge that crosses a ravine that's about 30 ft deep. For the most part the ravine is empty, people dump their trash in it sometimes, I think there's an old microwave stuck in the dirt. About spring, which is our rainy season, it will start to have water in it, mostly it'll just be a trickle after each rain. In the seven years I've lived here, I've seen the water rise to within a foot of that bridge three times. Now if you don't think that'll get your attention, think again! The last time was 2 maybe 3 years ago. My husband and I drove down to see it. The water was rushing under the bridge, carrying all sizes of limbs. It was pretty amazing considering the bridge usually is over nothing.

My husband's spring routine used to be after the hay was cut and baled he would start to run. He would run about 4 miles and then turn around and walk back. Last spring, he was walking on his way back and had just passed this bridge when our neighbor happened to be driving down the road so she stopped and they talked. While they were talking my husband looked up and there in the middle of the road was a mountain lion. It was probably 1/2 mile away, crossing the road where my husband would have been walking had he not stopped to talk to the neighbor. We've always heard rumors there were mountain lions and panthers but of course we had never seen any until then. He and my neighbor couldn't believe their eyes!! Needless to say she offered him a ride home and he accepted. I like to think his guardian angel was watching over him that day. He hasn't run since, my son doesn't run anymore and I don't walk like I used to, which I really miss. There's just something about strapping on a gun, just to take a walk!! Kinda ruins it for you!!

Well that's my ramble for the day, have a good one!

1 comment:

Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

Welcome to blog land!! I will add you to my reader so I can keep track of you!
chris p