Sunday, March 1, 2009

24 Degrees?? Give Me A Break!!!

Yes after 3 days of 90 degrees, yesterday and today we're down in the 20's. I don't think I'll ever warm up!!

The puppy has had an adventurous week and she's learned so much!! She's learned about the bowl with the never ending clean water supply (the commode), she's learned about the receptacle with the easily moved swinging lid with the never ending food supply (the garbage can), and last but not least, she's learned even better than playing with a toy, is making a hole in said toy and pulling the stuffing out all over the house!! Alas she also faced a big disappointment, the goats are no longer impressed with her, and don't care if she runs up to the fence, they don't run from her so she can't chase them... bummer.

I've added four more capped/cored beads to my Etsy shop if you're interested, please check it out.

ANd I've also learned a new technique. This was my first attempt done in copper so it wouldn't be an expensive mistake if I screwed it up. It's not perfect but for a first attempt I was kind of pleased, there are a few mistakes but all in all, it's a very sturdy bracelet. The next one I make I'd like to make about an inch wide and then I'll try combining sterling silver with gold filled.

I think I'll go get the house cleaned and then attempt another bracelet and try and stay warm.

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